Secondly, no custom soundtracks - which is bizarre for a racing game. First up, the characters are way to annoying. Overall: A very disappointing racing game that does a lot of things wrong. but then hmmm, that makes this game a little bit more realistic so it probably wouldn't work. Suggestions: I guess the vehicles you unlock are not the most varied. as regards the music, I must say I enjoyed the music in Paris better than the predominantly rap soundtrack in LA. I'm sure there is probably better graphics elsewhere but I'm happy with them. we don't need any rules, drive where you want, when you want, use the pyramid at the louvre to slingshot yourself over buildings. Also, note I have not yet got Live so I cannot comment on the online play. Anyway, lots of fun, I am about 53% through and still have Tokyo to unlock, so my review is based solely on LA and Paris tracks.
better collision detection basically ensured that.
I also enjoyed Midtown Madness 3 but have to say, this is much better. Overall: It may not be a realistic racing game, but it sure is great fun! Picked it up in a sale for AUS$25 and have to say it is the best cheap game I have purchased in a long long time.